[Julie] Alana's Bedroom
Ah, rest time!!! Yes, a 45 to 90 minute window in which Alana plays quietly in her room. Today, she was extremely willing to head to her room and play. We have not been home at rest time in the past few days, so it was a nice chance to reacquaint herself with her dolls, toys, books, and puzzles.

Since she came downstairs when rest time was over, I did not discover this toy disaster area until I was in the middle of making dinner. I figured we would head up after dinner to clean this up when everyone was getting PJ's on for the night. As it happens, our evening did not go as planned since we made a trip to the urgent care clinic right after dinner. By the time we hit the doctor's office, made it to Walgreen's, and grabbed Carson a fast food burger so he could have food in his stomach for his antibiotics, it was way past bedtime and I was not too excited about her integrated-play period's remnants.
Since she came downstairs when rest time was over, I did not discover this toy disaster area until I was in the middle of making dinner. I figured we would head up after dinner to clean this up when everyone was getting PJ's on for the night. As it happens, our evening did not go as planned since we made a trip to the urgent care clinic right after dinner. By the time we hit the doctor's office, made it to Walgreen's, and grabbed Carson a fast food burger so he could have food in his stomach for his antibiotics, it was way past bedtime and I was not too excited about her integrated-play period's remnants.
Ugh, rest time!!! A 45 to 90 minute window in which Alana trashes her room. Gone are the good old days of napping, and I do miss them.
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