
Date April 18, 2010

Did you know that the biggest bird is the waved albatross.     🙂

The smallest bird is a humming bird.    😛

The feartestbird of all is the bald eagle .        😡

The fastest bird is a road runner .          😉

The coler folest bird is a paited buntting .    🙁


2 Responses to “birds”

  1. Julie/Mom said:

    No, I knew none of those. I am not surprised about the painted bunting since I have seen one in Texas. Thanks for educating me.

  2. Mom/J said:

    And the last time I checked, Carson, you actually identified the waved albatross in that Vermont museum before Boppa or I ever saw it! We’re so enjoying your enjoyment of the birds…and we’re off to spend a few days birding in just a few hours. We’ll let you know if we see anything wonderful.

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