Gilligan on the AT Revisited: 26-Aug-1993
August 26, 2008
This is a 5-month long series of blog posts that are the entries in my journals written on most evenings as I hiked the Appalachian Trail in 1993. The journal entry appears first — indented — and then any additional commentary from my 15-years-removed perspective follows.
8/26/93 – Thur.
Last entry for a bit. I made it to Killington, VT, last night & today did 21.3 miles to get me to VT 12, where Julie is to meet me. As I write, I sit on the side of the road and hope that she is the reason for this being a short entry.
Tomorrow, I am going to slackpack about 13 miles and then head to Boston for the weekend (MIT rush).
[Omitted: a couple of paragraphs about the stress I was generating in Julie’s family due to the hike and her frequent trips out to meet up with me.]
No more entries until Monday night.
August 26th, 2008 at 7:11 pm
We often wondered what Julies’s parents were thinking but don’t recall that we ever discussed that with them. We, of course, knew where you were headed.