Where Have All the Blog Posts Gone? (aka “Everything else is going to crap.”)
September 29, 2008
It’s been a slow few weeks on the blogging front. But, not a slow few weeks in the Wilson household, by any means! I was in Austin last week, and that’s usually when Julie pulls a late night or two and queues up blog posts. But she was busy with other endeavors.
The weekend before I left…she was also busy with other endeavors.
And the week before that.
And the weekend before that!
Ancillary photo evidence:
That’s Alana removing a hinge from the powder room on the first floor of our house. That’s the recently-painted white trim that is now spreading throughout the first floor.
Basically, Julie now has a color scheme and plan for the entire first floor, and she has been on a tear. She spent the first part of the year slogging through the remodel of our family room, but had become somewhat paralyzed by the lack of an overall color scheme. Well, that’s been fixed thanks to Dedie-the-Painting-Maniac (neighbor down the street — shown here with her youngest in one of the funnier pictures we’ve ever taken), and, in the past couple of weeks:
- The family office has had the baseboard replaced (by me) and all of the walls, the ceiling, and trim repainted (by Julie and Dedie)
- My office door has been painted (Julie)
- The baseboard in my office has been replaced (me) and painted (Julie)
- All of the baseboard and trim on the first floor has been painted (Julie)
- The walls in the hallway have been painted (Julie)
- The carpet has been torn off the stairs to return them to stained wood (Julie) and a googol’s worth of staples painstakingly removed (Benton and me)
- The baseboard going up the stairs has been painted white (Julie)
- All of the outlets, switches, and cover plates on the first floor have been converted from cream/off-white to white (my dad)
It’s been a lot of progress, mostly in the late evenings. But, as Julie spontaneously observed as I was writing this post (she had no idea that I was writing it): “Everything else is going to crap.” But, the sun continues to rise each day, and the kids aren’t looking particularly malnourished, so we’re in good shape.
Of course, when I sat down at the computer to write this post, I saw that Julie had a web page up and was clearly pricing bamboo flooring. So, it may be that the painting itself has sufficient inertia that we’ll be going heavier on the capital improvements expenses in 2008 than we’d initially intended!