How Some Co-Workers Say, “Good-bye!”
October 23, 2008
As most of the readers of this blog know by now, I’m leaving Bulldog Solutions to join Nationwide in a few weeks. I’ve still got a few more days left at Bulldog, and I’ll be leaving behind some pretty fun/funny co-workers. Case in point:
Some time in the last year — I honestly don’t remember the specifics of how it got started — one of my co-workers made a “Tim Wilson Fan Club” sign and declared herself both the charter member and the president. Anotherco-worker picked up on that at some point (again, I don’t recall the specifics) and made her own sign. That co-worker changed the charter member from “President” to “Boss.”
It was good for a chuckle, and, on most of my trips to Austin, I would commit some sort of transgression that would threaten the continued existence of the fan club.
Apparently, my last trip made those threats a reality. I received a letter in the mail today:
Inside the letter, was a piece of paper torn up into bits:
I believe I am now officially “dead” in the eyes of the member-at-large! Now, the interesting aside is that this same member-at-large is currently running the 196-mile Ragnar Relay from Austin to San Antonio. When she was looking for team members for the race, helped her recruit my sister as an alternate. And, no great surprise, she got sucked in to actually run. I hope Kim holds her own during the race. With luck, there will soon be a Kim Wilson Fan Club to replace the now-defunct Tim Wilson one.
October 23rd, 2008 at 11:47 pm
Well as the boss (and also, founder, CEO and president) of the Tim Wilson fan club, let me say that:
A. The actions described above were in no way officially approved by the TWFC board (me).
B. The Tim Wilson fan club is not defunct. It will live in perpetuity. In fact, it’s likely to grow stronger since you won’t be around the office to piss anyone off.
October 24th, 2008 at 10:04 am
Please let this post be my official resignation from the Tim Wilson fanclub. I have been a rabid Gilligan On Data enthusiast for quite some time. It’s just too painful for me to continue the cause any longer. In fact I’m tearing up now. It was a great run that will no doubt go down as one of the dark periods in the history of the world. All was fine and fun in the world until Mr. Wilson put in the resignation. Soon thereafter the markets all crashed, credit dried up, Gov’t deficit reached all time highs, and most importantly the fanclub is now in shambles (despite The Bills’ great efforts).. J/K. We’ll miss “Wilson” here at Bulldog. We’ll be sure to institute weekly Wilson sessions to make sure everyone one around us still gets adequately pissed off on a regular basis.
November 1st, 2008 at 10:12 pm
Awww . . . I think I saw the paper pre-shredded on Tracy’s desk the day she must have sent it. Well, I for one will always remain a trusted member of your fan club and look forward to a very long friendship!