PVC + Mini Marshmallows + Hair Spray + Spark
May 26, 2009
Benton and I have made a couple of spud guns — the hairspray-combustion style — over the past few years. While out in West Virginia and shooting one last month, Benton came up with the idea that we should try to make a mini-marshmallow shooter of the same design.
We made a run to the hardware store, bought a bunch of parts, guessed at dimensions, and put one together. We made the barrel intentionally long (we actually made the barrel by sliding a piece of CVPC into a 3/4″ piece of PVC in order to get the inner diameter right) so we could cut it shorter. Our assumption was that it would take us several full prototypes to get a working model.
Our first attempt didn’t work — the marshmallow didn’t make it out of the overly long barrel. I trotted down to the basement, whacked off a chunk of the barrel, and returned to the backyard. The result? Voila! Mini-marshmallows flying 40-50′!
If I wasn’t so far behind on blogging, I’d write down the specific instructions for making one. If you hit this page and have a keen interest, and you don’t want to just take some guesses from the photo, leave a comment and I’ll try to update the post at some point.
December 6th, 2009 at 9:42 pm
[…] around your workshop?” you might ask. They’re remnants of our past experimentation with making a marshmallow shooter using spud gun principles). We drilled six holes in the PVC for screws that would hold the flashlight in place (this was […]