Last night wound up as another “fire in the Wilsons’ driveway” evening (followed by night golf at Smuirfield, which was followed by a little Texas Hold ‘Em — just another night in central Ohio suburbia). Julie, Carson, and Alana were en route to Virginia to return her mom to her home and to attend Julie’s […]
Entries from September 2009
Neighborhood Car Jumps Neighborhood Humans
September 26, 2009
Mike and Matt’s Wedding
September 21, 2009
Julie and I just got back from a Boston vacation planned around the Salem wedding of Mike Dumbroski and Matt Woodward. We had a ball, and Marilyn survived watching all three kids for five days! This post just covers the wedding. It was a relatively small affair, but the fates aligned such that a good […]
Day 1 with a New Camera
September 13, 2009
My birthday came a tad early (and Christmas came wayyyy early, really), in that my new camera — a Nikon D90 — arrived yesterday. I managed to get the battery charged and start skimming the manual yesterday, but it wasn’t until today that I got to take it out to see what it could do. […]
Final Diving Days of the Summer
September 9, 2009
Our weather has been a little goofy over the past few weeks — wet/cool at the wrong times — which has kept Julie from getting her final fix of diving in for the summer. She’s convinced she was working her way up to doing a double-flip…which her husband and both sons are eager to see! […]
A Day for the D.O.G.S.
September 8, 2009
Julie, Benton, Carson and I drove over to Dayton for the Dayton Ohio Giant Scalers (D.O.G.S.) annual airshow on Sunday. The initial plan was for just Carson and me to go, but Benton’s ears pricked up when he heard us talking about it, so he went as well (it’s still not entirely clear if that […]
Making Pickles with Grandma
September 7, 2009
Alana got a chance to make and can (jar) some pickles with Grandma during her stay with us: All three kids are intrigued by the process.
Getting Back on Track with the Blog
September 1, 2009
I’m not saying I’m actually back on track with the blog, but I’m hoping to get there soon. August was a little crazy in the Wilson Household. By the numbers: 2 – number of visits by my parents 2 – number of visits by friends from Austin 1 – number of visits by Julie’s brother […]