Getting Back on Track with the Blog
September 1, 2009
I’m not saying I’m actually back on track with the blog, but I’m hoping to get there soon.
August was a little crazy in the Wilson Household. By the numbers:
- 2 – number of visits by my parents
- 2 – number of visits by friends from Austin
- 1 – number of visits by Julie’s brother and his family
- 6 – number of weeks (give or take) Julie’s mom is living with us while convalescing from surgery
- 10,243 – number of No. 2 pencils Julie ordered and had sorted as part of the boys’ school’s supply sale (there are lots of other numbers I could use from the supply sale, but that’s always the one that gets me — basically, all the pencils needed for an entire school year for ~80% of the students in a school that handles grades K through 5)
- 7 – number of suet cakes Carson and I made using Julie’s Uncle Bill’s recipe because Carson wanted to attract a downy woodpecker to our backyard feeder
- 2 – number of species of woodpeckers that showed up the day we put the suet cakes out (a downy woodpecker and a red-billed woodpecker) — yes…I need to do a post to get that recipe added!
[UPDATE: Following my mother’s comment and an e-mail exchange between Carson and her, Carson has agreed that the latter woodpecker is indeed a red-bellied woodpecker.] - 1 – number of job changes; I left Nationwide to take a really exciting job as Director, Measurement and Analytics (and, no, I’m NOT going to explain what that is — sorry) at Resource Interactive, a very highly regarded and long-standing digital agency. The weeks leading up to the change were busy-hectic-stressful, but I started the new job on Monday.
I really do expect to get back on track with updates. Bear with me!
September 2nd, 2009 at 11:02 am
Go, Carson! And yay, Tim, for helping keep his bird interest alive!
Incidentally, I believe that’s a typo with the red “billed” woodpecker. (If not, lots of people would like to see the bird in North America for sure, and perhaps anywhere in the world.) You definitely have red-bellied woodpeckers in your yard, however.