Carson has been shooting a lot of video of late. He’s actually pretty impressive when it comes to being in front of the camera and communicating an idea extemporaneously. Now, the subject matter in the video below is <ahem> a bit off from what we’d like to think we’re instilling in him as values. But, […]
Entries from November 2010
Carson’s Video Overview of Some Weaponry
November 21, 2010
Kicking Cuteness into High Gear
November 7, 2010
I asked my bride to go for a walk yesterday. By the time we left the house, I was walking with Julie, two dogs, and Alana. Alana heard we were going on a walk and asked, “Can I come?!” She was on her scooter inside of two minutes (read: faster than Julie was able to […]
Carson and Max
November 4, 2010
Carson has befriended a neighbor, Judy, who has several dozen birds. He vists her house 1-2 times a week to help out and has become both attached to the birds and quite knowledgeable about them! For school, he had to take pictures of five of his favorite places in town, and one of those places […]
Daredevil Driving, RC Style
November 3, 2010
This was a month or so ago, but I realized I never got a blog post up about it. One of our (former) neighbors, Chris, and Benton are very into remote controlled cars. One Friday evening, as parents were arriving home from work and kids were running around the ‘hood, the RC cars came out. […]
Reading with J
November 2, 2010
My parents stopped in Dublin for a few days en route back to Texas, and Alana kept them busy! She is very proud of her reading and will take any opportunity to work her way through her latest book(s). Grandparents are easy targets: