Boring Bookshelves Post
May 11, 2011
A few weeks ago, it looked like I was going to have a clever, “Aren’t we crafty?” post where I would include both a picture of the bookshelves I finished building for our basement (a simple “more horizontal space to store crap on” project) and Julie had finished a sewing project that was initiated 2.5 years ago.
Julie’s project was more ambitious, as she’d signed up to make a very lonnnnng cushion for the built-ins/window seat I built back in late 2008 (if you clicked over to look, I have long since built and installed the drawers). To sew the cushion required finding the foam, selecting a fabric, ordering a lonnnnnggg zipper, and getting up the gumption to dive in. I’m still a little baffled how she pulls off the sewing projects she undertakes. Alas! She was close to finishing and then hit a technical snag that requires a special machine to work around, so that project has stalled.
And, thus, the boring bookshelves (adjustable) have to drive this entire post (zzzzzzzz…):
I’m getting better at building shelves than I’d like to be, but three kids and a penchant for clutter collection has necessitated the skill. If I had half the skill at staining, I’d be set.
May 12th, 2011 at 12:22 pm
You have come a long way from that first set of shelves you did for your mother!
May 12th, 2011 at 2:48 pm
Not boring at all. I, for one, LOVE having lots of shelf space; and to get shelves custom-made for my particular wall space – and adjustable, no less, for the changing array of books and displayables – well, that’s a dream world!