Golf, Anyone?
July 2, 2011
Benton has taken up golf more formally this year, playing in a league that plays nine holes at a different local public course every Sunday afternoon. Since this runs concurrently with baseball, we’re hoping he learns to shift between swinging the two different types of sticks. Parents are welcome to tag along, which I did last weekend (the first weekend where Benton and his friend, Jack, didn’t have to cut short the round to race off to a makeup baseball game).
The full foursome (L-R: Benton, Ian, Jack, Ben):
Benton teeing off (if the video isn’t showing up below you can view it on YouTube.
Fairway iron:
Teeing off at a par 3:
Hitching a ride to the next tee:
The hot air balloon that came over mid-round:
On the driving range before the round, Benton adhered to one of his traditions, which is to take a few swings “Happy Gilmore”-style (if you haven’t seen the Adam Sandler movie, I don’t recommend wasting your time by tracking it down). He is consistently successful, so it’s only a matter of time before he tries this on the course (again, if you don’t see the video below, you can watch it on YouTube).
If you’re a Love and feel the need to see more pictures, you can check out more in this Picasa album.