“What are you looking at?!” And some turning maple leaves near the Smuirfield Golf Club
Fall Flora and Fauna
October 21, 2009
Wilderness Explorations with Carson
October 20, 2009
Carson and I went for a walk last Saturday morning. The main destination was the “hideout” that he and a couple of friends have discovered near the playground near our house, but we wandered through the woods and over a creek and elsewhere in the process.
West Virginia Weekend Part 2: A Pile of Leaves…
November 4, 2007
We spent close to two hours on Saturday afternoon with a large pile of leaves. Suffice it to say that: 1) our little mini-compact digital camera doesn’t do high-action-in-the-shade all that well, and 2) it’s hard to narrow down to a small number of pictures. Benton, Carson, and Alana all took turns running and jumping […]