Gilligan on the AT Revisited: 09-Oct-1993

Date October 9, 2008

This is a 5-month long series of blog posts that are the entries in my journals written on most evenings as I hiked the Appalachian Trail in 1993. The journal entry appears first — indented — and then any additional commentary from my 15-years-removed perspective follows.

As mentioned earlier, my journal ended on October 7th, but I’m wrapping up the trip from memory to close things out properly.

On Saturday, October 9th…Mt. Katahdin was closed! Due to weather. So, we spent the day hanging out in town, with me frantically trying to come up with reasons that Julie should not call her parents if she decided she needed to check in. I was pretty sure one of them would assume that we were engaged and would let the cat out of the bag.

Julie didn’t try to call them.

One Response to “Gilligan on the AT Revisited: 09-Oct-1993”

  1. Email; Withdrawing №NI01. VERIFY >> said:


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