"Afterlife Shoes" Now Up on MIT’s OpenCourseware Project

Date December 21, 2007

Back in August, I wrote about being contacted by MIT’s OpenCourseware project about using a play I wrote in college. I forgot about, but a fellow on Twitter mentioned the program, which prompted me to go take a look. And, it’s there! It’s the last of four example scripts: “Afterlife Shoes.” Warning if you open […]

MIT has excellent taste in writing, if you ask me…

Date August 22, 2007

Talk about getting an e-mail out of the blue! I received the following today from Curt Newton, the Publication Manager for the MIT OpenCourseware project: Dear Tim, I’m working with Prof. Brody to publish some materials from 21M.785 “Playwright’s Workshop” in OpenCourseWare. We’d like to include several examples of student-authored plays, including your script for […]