Dutch Oven Tamale Pie on a Warm January Evening in the Driveway

Date February 8, 2010

While it’s been cold and snowy of late, we had a relatively warm period just a couple of weeks ago. That lined up with a weekend…which meant the Springburn Drive Social Circle promptly kicked into gear. We hauled out the fire pan to do some driveway Dutch oven cooking, as I’d been itching to try out […]

Pie Just Tastes Better When Cast Iron Cookware and Coals Are Involved

Date July 12, 2009

We headed to West Virginia this past weekend, which, as usual, should trigger a handful of blog posts. Benton is a fan of Dutch oven cooking, so we spent 30 seconds while we were planning the food for the trip trying to think what a good coal-fired dish would be. We pretty quickly got to: […]