Easter Weekend at the Farm: Spring has Sprung

Date April 17, 2009

No kids here — just an assortment of nature photos I took over the weekend.

Easter Weekend at the Farm: Carson on the Move

Date April 16, 2009

Benton just got a new bike for his birthday from J and Boppa. He hatched the idea of taking it to the farm for Easter weekend. This was a horrible idea — it’s too hilly, would be muddy, and just generally wouldn’t be fun. I was wrong. We took both Benton’s and Carson’s bikes. It […]

Easter Weekend at the Farm: Grandpa’s Birthday

Date April 15, 2009

Two cakes and five grandkids singing you happy birthday ain’t bad.

Easter Weekend at the Farm: How Long Did You Think I Could Stay Away from an Alana-Centric Post?

Date April 14, 2009

When she saw the first post I put up recapping last weekend, Julie commented that she was impressed that I managed to not lead with Alana. I decided to really show her a thing or two by  holding off for many posts on that front. I made it to the third post before I cracked. […]

Easter Weekend at The Farm: Potatoes

Date April 12, 2009

I’ve just uploaded 30 photos from our weekend in West Virginia…and I’m struggling to figure out how to break them up for a series of posts. Going with the, “If you don’t know where to start, start anywhere” approach, I’m going with “potatoes.” Potatoes. As in “potato gun.” Benton and I made one a couple […]