Golf, Anyone?

Date July 2, 2011

Benton has taken up golf more formally this year, playing in a league that plays nine holes at a different local public course every Sunday afternoon. Since this runs concurrently with baseball, we’re hoping he learns to shift between swinging the two different types of sticks. Parents are welcome to tag along, which I did […]

Spring Means Sports

Date April 18, 2010

We’re fully into spring in Ohio, which means spring sports are rapidly ramping up. On Saturday, Benton had baseball practice from 10:00 AM to noon, and I had to pick him up early so we could race over to the soccer fields for a noon game where he needed to arrive at 11:45. He’d missed […]

An Engineer in the Making

Date December 6, 2009

One of the favorite XY-chromosome weekend activities in our neighborhood (all the adult men plus Benton) is to grab some glow-in-the-dark golf balls and walk down the street to “Smuirfield,” which is a set of six greens with flagsticks on semi-sculpted terrain that was set up 25 years ago by a couple of local residents […]

Eat Your Heart Out…Tom Watson!

Date October 18, 2009

It was just last week that I compared Carson to Michael Jordan. And, here we are with a comparison to Tom Watson: Carson and I wandered down to Smuirfield on Saturday afternoon to play a round of golf. I, of course, brought along my camera! Carson did a masterful job of extricating himself from a […]