Julie and Carson — Visiting the Hallacs Part 3 of 3

Date March 27, 2008

Yep, Benton and I are pretty much shut out here, but that’s the way things shook out. Carson was quite taken with the twins. He was happy to let them pull his hair, wanted to play with them at every opportunity, and refused to leave until they had woken up from their morning nap. And […]

Visiting the Hallacs — Part 1 of 3

Date March 27, 2008

So, what happens when you have kids? The adults start disappearing from the pictures. We had a great visit with the Hallacs at their home in Armonk, NY, earlier this week. Unfortunately, we didn’t walk away with much in the way of pictures of Trice and Jimmy. Thanks to Picasa, though, I was able to […]