Boring Bookshelves Post

Date May 11, 2011

A few weeks ago, it looked like I was going to have a clever, “Aren’t we crafty?” post where I would include both a picture of the bookshelves I finished building for our basement (a simple “more horizontal space to store crap on” project) and Julie had finished a sewing project that was initiated 2.5 […]

It’s a Big, Quiet House…

Date February 21, 2008

How the next few days were supposed to play out: Thursday afternoon — Benton would head to the orthodontist to get his first round of braces-type hardware (a palate spreader — he’ll wear it for six months); he was pretty excited about that. Friday evening — Julie would take the boys and headsto Wadsworth; Alana […]

The Tim-Julie Home Customization Duo Strikes Again!

Date November 19, 2007

It took several months, but we finally got our first functional/creative joint project knocked out. The boys were in the habit of dumping their backpacks outside the coat closet in the front hall, which is also where we store our shoes. So, we had a perpetual “Door Vomits Coats, Shoes, and Backpacks” modern art installation […]