A Wilson Kids Caravan

Date May 2, 2008

Talk about a picture with a lot of stories!

  • Big Brother Benton is pulling the load on The Green Machine — this was a vehicle that has been popular with the neighborhood kids in two states! It’s also one of the gifts that Santa Claus brought for Christmas in 2005…when Benton got out of the hospital on Christmas Eve and was on a walker for several weeks, so could ride neither The Green Machine nor the Razor scooter that he also received for Christmas for quite some time
  • Carson is cruising along on wheels very much not approved by the Consumer Products Safety Commission; who needs Chinese manufacturing when you’ve got crazy kids? This vehicle is the piano dolly that the movers left behind when they moved us into our house in Ohio. Considering how understaffed and poorly managed that move was, we felt no compulsion to proactively get it returned
  • Alana is in the Radio Flyer wagon that I got to assemble outside our rented cabin on the Frio River…in the dark…in freezing weather on Christmas Eve a year or two before Alana was born

But, aside from all that, this photo caught one of those rare and fleeting moments when all three kids were engaged in cooperative play with each other.

One Response to “A Wilson Kids Caravan”

  1. Tim said:

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