Soccer Season Ends

Date May 23, 2008

It was a season marked by some rain, some cold weather, and lots and lots of fun. On Saturday, May 17th, Carson finished up his soccer season with a really beautiful, albeit cool, May day. It was a busy day, but to really appreciate the day, you have to realize that Friday was Benton’s much-delayed birthday party sleepover. This meant that, heading in to this busy Saturday, Carson was starting out with less sleep than normal.

9:30 am – Benton and 2 friends departed with Tim for baseball practice.

10:00 am – after seeing the other 2 sleepover guests off, I got Alana dressed and cleaned up breakfast so we could head out to the school to pick up the flowers I had ordered for the PTO fundraiser.

10:45 am – arrived at the Rec Center for a birthday party at the pool. Checked Alana into the childcare area to play so only 1 child would need to be dried and dressed for soccer.

12:15pm – Tim called after leaving Benton’s baseball practice, dropping off his friend and heading out to get lunch. Should he get something for us? UGH!!! I forgot Carson might need to eat before soccer was over at 2:00….. YES! YES! Bring it to the game…..

12:30pm – Dragged Carson reluctantly away from the pool party to get dried off and geared up for his last soccer game (which involved leaving his tennis shoes in the pool area; I discovered this much later in the day, so Tim’s and my date night that evening began with a return trip to the rec center to retrieve them!). Checked Alana out of the childcare and head to the game.

12:55pm – Arrived just in time for the 1:00pm start of the game. Carson was decidedly not hungry, but I sensed he was only too excited to run wild with his teammates and did not want to take the time to eat.

The game went well. The opposing team did not have enough players to field a full team, so Carson’s team split up. Carson played on both sides of the game and did not seem to notice when he was playing with or against his teammates. I was just thrilled that he seemed to keep track of which goal to head towards despite it changing when he changed teams. I managed to catch a few shots of the action.

Carson finished up with a snack and wanted a picture of his friend, Presley.

After exchanging phone numbers with Presley’s mom so a future playdate could be had, we headed home. Carson got to watch a movie in the basement and I took a much needed nap! With soccer over, we can relax….. except that baseball has started. So, we are off and running with a Tuesday scrimmage for Benton, a Wednesday game for Carson, another scrimmage for Benton on Thursday (a make-up for a rained out one last week), and Benton’s season opening double header games on Friday. Hmmm….. I suppose my next nap will have to wait until Saturday, when we will be in West Virginia, at the farm, for the Memorial Day weekend.

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