Trying Out Some Changes on Second Tree

Date October 30, 2008

I don’t know exactly what the results will be, especially for those of you who are receiving updates via e-mail. But, after spending some time talking things through with Kristin of, I’ve ramped up my use of Flickr and have done some RSS feed consolidation. Changes you should see:

  • When we upload photos to our Flickr site, they’ll get intermingled with the posts on this site. In some cases, there may be some redundancy, as we may have an actual post that goes into greater detail about the photos on this site, while also just having the photos up on Flickr.
  • On our web site, there is now a “Recent Photos” section on the righthand side that lists photos that have been uploaded to our Flickr site

I suspect I’ll be doing some fiddling around with this over the coming few days, so please be patient. But, if you see anything that aggressively doesn’t work, let me know!

2 Responses to “Trying Out Some Changes on Second Tree”

  1. Amy Bills said:

    Hmmm…so the feed listed on our PredatorRidge blog now goes to your yahoo pipes, where I can see photos but can’t find the SecondTree blog posts (the text posts).

  2. Second Tree Blog » And…undo! said:

    […] Trying Out Some Changes on Second Tree […]

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