“Children, pay attention to your father and you will learn important things.”

Date April 23, 2009

Julie headed out for a meeting one evening last week. Earlier that afternoon, she and Alana had made jello cups. It was up to me to dole them out for consumption.

There’s eating jello…and there’s eating jello. We opted for the fun way.

Eating Jello through a Straw

Eating Jello through a Straw

Eating Jello through a Straw

Eating Jello through a Straw

Eating Jello through a Straw

Eating Jello through a Straw

3 Responses to ““Children, pay attention to your father and you will learn important things.””

  1. AmyB said:

    Everyone has two bowls…I’m trying to figure out, did you have the first bowls the normal way, with a spoon, before things fell apart?

  2. Tim Wilson said:

    First bowl was rasberry sherbet. Hey — they’d all eaten a good dinner, and there’s just something fun about pulling out a slew of glass custard cups and sampling different foods.

  3. Mom said:

    Here I thought those empty bowls were jello that had already been sucked dry…and that was such fun that everyone tackled a second cup!

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