Spring Break 2012: Night No. 1 — Hangin’ w/ the Second Cousins

Date March 18, 2012

Spring break this year is taking Julie and the kids to Florida by way of Charlotte, NC, (with me). We arrived at my aunt and uncle’s house in Charlotte late afternoon on Friday and then headed over to my cousin’s house for dinner.

The gaggle of sibling/cousins/second-cousins held council (short two: one was still at soccer practice, and Benton had gone off and located the basketball hoop) in the backyard trying to decide what to do:

The Brownlows and Wilsons discuss what game to play

“Red Rover!” someone suggested. “Boys against girls,” (the same) person suggested. While the numbers did not seem to be in the boys’ favor at first blush, Mac is no dummy. He immediately identified the weakest link and went for it:

Red Rover it is!

Red Rover -- Mac goes for the weakest (youngest) link

Red Rover -- Mac goes for the weakest (youngest) link

Red Rover -- Mac goes for the weakest (youngest) link

Red Rover -- Mac goes for the weakest (youngest) link

The game was called after two runs.

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