Alana’s dress-up luncheon

Date May 28, 2009

After heading to her 50th High School Reunion in Akron, Grandma Marilyn came to town.  Since she won’t be here in June when Alana celebrates her 4th birthday, Grandma took her out on a special birthday luncheon. This ladies only-luncheon was a dressy affair to the Cheesecake Factory.  Alana dried her hair, picked out her […]

Carson Gets “Fancy”

Date December 17, 2008

Benton would rather change a dirty diaper than wear a collared shirt of any sort. Even a simple, cotton, Polo shirt. Nuthin’ doin’. Carson, on the other hand, can be quite the dandy! On one of her “we just have to go check out this sale” outings with the neighborhood gals, Julie picked up an […]