Tetherball: An All Weather Sport

Date February 4, 2008

You may recall my tetherball set installation woes. I put off trying to come up with a solution to the dilemma long enough that my parents made it to town, and my dad applied some engineering problem-solving to come up with a reasonably stable solution (a length of PVC pipe with a lengthwise cut in […]


Date January 31, 2008

At 2-1/2, Alana is a girl’s girl, with an extreme fondness for: anything pink, princesses, did I say anything pink?, and, of course, princess underpants. The rule has been that she gets to wear princess underpants whenever she is successful at using the toilet. Until this week, this was intermittent, but the underpants look like […]

Taking an Experienced Birder’s Advice

Date October 10, 2007

“Son,” the grizzled retiree with the scraggly goatee and the stud in his ear said, as they stood in Lowe’s pondering avian feed, “Black oil sunflower seed is the only way to go. You see this stuff over hear with this meal in it? That’s worthless. Yessir. Black oil sunflower seed. That’ll bring the birds […]

A Long and Rambling Update

Date September 30, 2007

While I was fiddling around with putting together documentation for Julie as to how to post updates to this blog, I re-realized that there is a feature in the tool I use that allows blog posts fairly simply (apparently — we’ll see) through e-mail. Not only will this sort of feature seem old hat to […]

Elders these Days…

Date August 25, 2007

It seems as though the elders in my family are in cahoots to cast off the norms of their generation. What kind of example are they setting? At top is Unc (aka Bill Love), my maternal great-uncle. At bottom is my dad (aka Larry Wilson). My dad sequenced things as follows: 1) facial hair (strictly […]